You want to participate?

What about launching the operation in your town!

There’s no collection point near you and you want to engage in this operation? Become one of our Local Coordinators! Local Coordinators are people (or a group of people) who take care of collecting and distributing the Christmas gifts locally in their neighborhood, town or region. 

Will for Change will support you in this journey by providing you communication materials, worldwide visibility and on-hand support to help you create the magic in your city/neighborhood.

Steps to become a Local Coordinator


Steps to become a Local Coordinator

The most important part is this sparkle from your heart. It will also be your drive during the whole operation. This will to support an inclusive, human and meaningful project. This will to positively contribute to our community and togetherness.

Find collection points

You can propose your collection point, but you can also connect with other places and/or associations around you and create several collection points in your city. We provide you posters and visuals that can be shared on social media and used in your collection points.

Share the news

Talk to everyone about your project! Your neighbors, your family, your friends. Don’t hesitate to share info and pictures with us, so we can share with the world on our page!

Partner with local non-profit organizations

To distribute all the gifts, you can partner with a local non-profit organization. You can also participate in the distribution, it’s a wonderful and magical moment to share.

Manage collection & distribution

You manage collection and distribution in your area directly. Why not involve your friends, family, coworkers in it! The more the merrier no?

Enjoy the vibe

The most important is to enjoy the vibe of love, joy and sharing all the way through. It’s magical, you’ll see!

Become a
Local Coordinator!

The role of a Local Coordinator is to manage the collection and distribution of christmas gifts in your city/neighborhood, or directly, or with local associations. We are just 2 of us to coordinate this operation worldwide, so unfortunately we cannot engage in all local initiatives. We provide the global coordination, the communication materials, worldwide visibility and support the collection points in their role.

If you’re ready to share the love in these times of Christmas, please fill out this form so we get to know you better and add your collection points on the worldwide map.

Register as Local Coordinator!

By registering, you join the Will for Change community and access to a personal space where you can add/manage your collection points. You’ll also access to Local Coordinator news!

I’m an individual

You can only create one account per person, if you’d like to be more please send us the other names to!

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Thank you so much! If you have a question, you can write us at On the next page you’ll be able to add your collection points as well as your non-profit organizations for distribution. Together let’s light up hearts 🌞

Join the community!

Create your account to join the Will for Change community and continue to shine your light! You can also join our Facebook group to see everything the community shares or follow our instagram page to join the movement.