

In this space are all the communication media that can help you to spread the love: Facebook and Email banner, poster of the operation, poster of a collection point and Instagram square and story image.

Operation poster

Here is a wonderful poster to share information around you, either by hanging a few of them in your building, in your company or to give to colleagues, or even in shops with open hearts.

Collection point

Here is the poster to print and provide to all your collection points so that they can stick it on their window. Passers-by or people who have spotted the collection point on the map will find it more easily!

Facebook & Newsletter

If you want to display the operation on your Facebook page or communicate it by email, these banners are made for you! They are almost identical, the Facebook banner is just slightly bigger.

Social networks

You want to share it on your social networks? Great! First, you can share the official posts of the operation already posted on the various networks (Facebook post, Facebook event, Instagram post, Linkedin post).
Then you can also download this story or square format that you can use without moderation on your pages!